Aguer, C., Mercier, J.,Yong Wai Man, C., Metz, L., Bordenave, S., Lambert, K., Jean, E., Lantier, L., Bounoua, L., Brun, J-F., Raynaud de Mauverger, E., Andreelli, F., Foretz, M. & Kitzmann, M. (2010). Intramyocellular lipid accumulation is associated with permanent relocation ex vivo and in vitro of fatty acid translocase (FAT)/CD36 in obese patients. Diabetologia.
Bounoua, L. Prise en charge en Thérapie Cognitive et Comportementale (TCC) d’un cas de trouble panique avec agoraphobie chez l’adulte. Mémoire AFTCC. Paris, 2015, 36 p.
Bounoua, L. Prise en charge en Thérapie Cognitive et Comportementale (TCC) d’un cas de trouble panique avec agoraphobie et d’un cas de phobie sociale. Mémoire AFTCC. Paris, 2014, 46 p.
Bounoua, L. Approche psychologique du diabète, de l’obésité et des troubles du comportement alimentaire (TCA). Mémoire universitaire. Aix-Marseille Université, 2011, 123 p.
Bounoua, L., Cury, F., Huguet., P., Barron, K., Regner, I., & Elliot, A. (2011). Motivated use of information about others: Linking the 2×2 achievement goal modal to social comparison propensities and processes. British Journal of Social Psychology, 51, 626-641.
Bounoua, L. Buts d’accomplissement et comparaison sociale : Une proposition d’intégration. Thèse de Doctorat de Psychologie. Aix-Marseille université, 2009, 240p.
Bounoua,L., Monfardini,E.,Meunier,M.,Wicker,B.,Brovelli,A,.Boussaoud,D.,Cury,F.,& Huguet,P.(2009). Learning by observation: The role of social comparison and related ability inferences. XVIth ESCOP Conference, September 2- Sepember 5, Poland.
Bounoua, L., Huguet, P., & Cury, F. (2007a). Is Learning by Observation Capacity Obvious in Humans? The Crucial Role of Social Comparison and Related Ability Inferences. XVth ESCOP Conference, 29 Août-1 Septembre, France.
Bounoua, L., Huguet, P., & Cury, F. (2007b). Is Learning by Observation Capacity Obvious in Humans? The Crucial Role of Social Comparison and Related Ability Inferences. 4th Cognitio Conference on Social Cognition, Montréal, 15-17 Juin, Canada.
Da Fonseca, D., Cury, F., Santos, A., Payen, V., Bounoua L, Brisswalter, J., Rufo, M., Poinso, F., & Deruelle, C. (2009). When depression mediates the relationship between entity beliefs and performance. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 40 (2), 213-222.
Da Fonséca, D., Cury, F., Fakra, E., Rufo, M., Poinso, F., Bounoua, L., & Huguet, P. (2008). Implicit theories of intelligence and IQ test performance in adolescents with generalized anxiety disorder. Behavior Research and Therapy, 46 (4), 529-536.